The Best Laid Plans...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dear Readers,

We have a confession to make. It is now May 3rd and we have yet to complete all of the items on our lists, let alone blog about them. Of course our plan was to get things done in 31 days, but we didn't realize how hard that would be, and, ironically, kept putting everything off! In any case, we have done more in the last month than we would have, had we not written our lists. The good news is that we still plan on blogging about the things we want to stop putting off, so we hope you plan on reading about them! We probably won't be done in the next 31 days, but we hope we'll eventually complete everything on our lists! Happy reading :)

~Leah and Amy 

Pinterest, part 1

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Task #3: Scented Candle DIY project from Pinterest

If you haven't heard of Pinterest yet, I don't know what rock you live under but you're about to see the light! Pinterest is this wonderful online "pinboard" where you can post pretty pictures of clothes you wish you had; projects you could do if only you had more time; and breathtaking photographs of almost everything under the sun. Basically it's a place to go when you're bored and you want some sort of inspiration. In any case, the ratio of pins posted to pins you actually attempt to do is about 1000:1. That being said, as part of this challenge I wanted to actual try out one of my pins.

Recently I saw a pin that demonstrated an easy way to recycle scented candles by melting the candles down and layering the scents. Since I have a good amount around my house, I thought it would be a great (and easy) thing to try. Overall, it worked pretty well, although I think it would have been best to use a smaller jar since my layers turned out pretty thin. I used four candles: vanilla, mango, tropical fruit, and guava coconut. It smells very tropical which is really nice in the summer! I'm definitely going to try it again!


PS>> This is my first of 3 Pinterest projects. Look out for parts 2 and 3!!

Here are some pictures of the process:

Step 1: Boil the wax

Step 2: Pour first layer into clean jar. Wait until cool then repeat with second layer, etc.

Final Product! Make sure to trim the wick!!